15.09 – 09.10.2021
NÄITUSE TOIMUMISTINGIMUSED ON MUUTMISEL / seoses eriolukorrast tingitud piirangutega
Täpsem teave alates 1.september 2021
EML kuraatornäitus
Teine Maja/Drugoi Dom
Kuraatorid Tiiu Rebane(EE) ja Alexander Morozov(RU)
Kujundaja Evgenia Rõzkova, RU
Osalejad: Александр Дашевский, Александр Морозов, Семен Мотолянец, Андрей Рудьев, Вера Светлова, Леонид Цхе, Andrus Joonas, Margus Tiitsma, Mall Paris, Vilen Künnapu, Karl-Kristjan Nagel, Rait Rosin, Tiiu Rebane.
Näitus tutvustab eesti publikule Peterburi kontseptuaalset maalikunsti ning kõrvutab seda võrdsel tasandil eesti oma mõttekunstikesksete autorite loominguga.
Luues ekspositsiooniga liftilaadse ruumi kogemuse, kus publiku vaatemeeled saavad paiskuma üles-alla ja ühest seinast teise ning tähenduse kaotavad aeg, kehtivad normaalloogika tugisüsteemid jms, viib näitus vaataja ´tagasi tulevikku´ või ´edasi minevikku´.
Näituse esmane eesmärk ei ole luua ülevaadet eri maade kunstnike maailmapiltidest, vaatluse alla ei ole võetud ka mitte riigipiiride või traditsioonide drillitud kultuurililoolised stoorid.
Näituse fookuses on mööduda senistest kultuurilistest kokkulepetest ning süstida publiku tajukeskustesse kõikehaarav mulje inimese totaalsest lootusetusest aja ja ruumi ees. Rääkida pääsemise võimatusest ja vaba tahte tühisusest elu ja keskkonda tervikuna kujundatvates sh metafüüsilistes tahteväljades.
Näituse pealkiri vihjab Teise mõistele, kogu selle psühholoogilis-kultuuriloolistes, võõrandumust kaasavates, kontekstides.
Ülesehituses seab näitus eesmärgiks viia need terminid tunnetuslikku vastavusse tänase üldise reaalsusega, kus individuaalsest võib küll rääkida kuid mitte rohkem kui spekulatiivsetel tasanditel ning kus kogu tegelik kultuuriline agentsus on teadlikult üle antud globaalsetele nähtustele nagu kliimakatastroof või teised nö üleinimlikud tegurid.
(Tekst: Tiiu Rebane, Nov.2019)
Project initiated by Estonian Painters´ Association
Curators: Alexander Morozov (Russia) and Tiiu Rebane (Estonian Painters Association)
Exposition Design: Evgeniya Ryzhkova (Russia)
The Estonian Painters' association was founded as collegial creative union in 1992; the aim of the association is to comprehensively introduce Estonian painting, to contribute to the sustainable development of the Estonian cultural space, to support and protect the creative freedom of the members of the association.
The main activity of the Creative Union is to compile creative platforms and exhibitions to introduce the work of its members and to develop professional painting activities both at home and abroad. Traditionally, EML exhibitions are curated by artists who are members of the union, conceptually based on both painting techniques and philosophically tence issues.
Estonian and St. Petersburg conceptual painting in the context of the Baltic Sea countries.
While writing these lines, the world is being captured by the coronavirus pandemic. It is not yet clear when and how the epidemic will end, but we can already definitely say that reality has changed. The concepts of home, which we were going to discuss, became the experience of forced isolation for millions of people.
Having found ourselves in quarantine and locked on different sides of the borders, we asked Russian and Estonian artists to express what they think on the topic of self-isolation. The thoughts of artists about the house and personal space created the artistic contents for the exhibition. Semyon Motolyanets in his project “Soap” anticipates a total resorting to hygiene.
Andrei Rudiev addresses his memories about the native stanitsa* and demonstrates the works inspired by his father's apiary.
Alexander Dashevsky in his series, devoted to interiors, depicts empty "spaces" without the man’s presence.
I depict fragments of living space on wooden panels as if seen through the cold camera optics, typical of security cameras.
During quarantine in large cities, the authorities introduced an application that monitors the movement of citizens in order to control the sick people, thereby legalizing surveillance. Instant digital mobilographies, radiating a cold glance at the banal objects surrounding us, became the source of the plots. Leonid Tskhe creates expressive pictures-comments on the topic of corporeality and the absurdity of our existence, emphasizing at maximum the corporeality and the presence of the author’s character.
The exhibition will take its visitors on a journey “back to the future” and “forward to the past”, will create a sense of vertical movement in a white cube, where visual perception bounces off the walls, erasing the viewer's hopes to anchor the time and establish an individual logic.
The exhibition does not aim to acquaint its visitor with a world picture as seen by artists from different countries or with cultural stories, traditional and polished borders, experience. Omitting any modern symbolic and cultural arrangements, the exhibition demonstrates to the viewer a sense of personal total weakness in front of the forces shaping the surrounding reality ...
In our project, artists explore the concept of home, attitude to personal space and things. The artists display a personal closet shaping the identity of an expressed idea.
For us, this project is not only an opportunity to show what contemporary Russian art lives and breathes but also a great chance to meet Russian and Estonian artists.
The name of the exhibition alludes to the concept of "otherkin", on otherness in all its psychological and cultural contexts.
The structure of the exhibition brings this term in line with today's reality, where one can speak of individuality on a speculative level only, and the whole real cultural identity is turned into a collective phenomenon.
The exhibition will introduce the Estonian public to St. Petersburg contemporary conceptual painting, in dialogue with the creative works of Estonian artists.
Deploying this pilot project, the curators and the Estonian Painters Union initiate a dialogue between artists, seeking to restore and further develop the cultural dialogue of the northwestern Baltic region territories and the formation of mutual interest towards the national peculiarities of neighboring states.
Written by Alexander Morozov and Tiiu Rebane