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(taas)luua endist reaalsust

(at) kurti buvusią tikrovę / (taas)luua endist reaalsust Užutrakise kunstifestival

Osalevad Eesti kunstnikud: Mall Paris, Kai Kaljo ja Andres Koort

Festivali korraldab Leedu Kunstnike Liit Kuraator Evelina Januškaitė, kaaskuraator Eestist: Tiiu Rebane

Märksõnad: mälu, tegelikkus, minevik, olevik, aeg, ajalisus, kogemus, mälu ja kujutlusvõime suhe, reaalsus ja selle koopiad, kindlus, jäljendamine, ühiskonnakriitika, ajaloolisus, eklektika, aegade sünkroniseerimine jms. Užutrakise mõisa historitsistlik hooneteansambel on täna avalikkusele avatud kultuuriruum- muuseum ehk mälu (taas)loomise koht. See toimib endist reaalsust konstrueeriva mehhanismina, luues muljet aegadest, millest tänasel inimesel puudub igasgune reaalne kogemus. Užutrakise kunstifestivali ajaks on endised laudad, tallid, piiritusetehas ja laod muudetud näituseruumideks, kus eksponeeritavate kaasaegse kunsti objektide eesmärk on genereerida aegadeülest elavat poleemikat, instseneerida ajaliste reaalsuste kattuvusi, analüüsida objektide seost keskkonnaga, kuhu tänane teos algselt ei ole saanud kuuluda. Kaasaegne kunst tungib “teisele” territooriumile, rikub selle algset terviklikkust, vastandub (taas)loodava ajaloolisele keskkonnale muutes minevikust pärit reaalsuse koordinaate ja provotseerides seda suhestuma olevikuga. Näitus arutleb, kas minevikku on võimalik taastada ja mida kujutab endast tegelikkus. Kas minevik on olme või ehk pigem kunstlikult konstrueeritud mälestused? Kas saame tõest reaalsust luua ainult läbi selle taaskogemise? Käesolev näitus fokusseerib oma pilgu eelkõige reaalsusele ning selle jäljendamise suhtele; kogemusliku ja kujuteldava vastandamisele; taoliste vastukäivate tajufenomenide sisulisele eklektilisusele.

(at)kurti buvusią tikrovę / (re)create former reality Užutrakis Art Festival

2021 07 30 – 2021 10 16

Participating artists from Estonia: Mall Paris, Kai Kaljo, Andres Koort

Curatot Evelina Januškaitė (LDS), Estonian curator: Tiiu Rebane (EPA)

Photo: Reiu Tüür keywords: memory, reality, past, present, time, temporality, experience, the relationship between memory and imagination, reality and its replicas, certainty, imitation, social critique, historicity, eclecticism and synchronization of times, etc. The ensemble of Užutrakis Manor is a historicist-style palace built according to the project of the Polish architect Juzef Huss on the shore of Lake Galvė and decorated with luxurious interiors in the style of Louis XVI. The residence, once owned by Counts Tiškevičius, today is a cultural space open to the public. The museum, as a place of (re)creation of memory, functions as a (re)construction of the former reality, seeking to create the impression of experiencing a time in which we did not live. The buildings of the manor have been reconstructed – during the Užutrakis Art Festival, former cowsheds, stables, distillery, and various warehouses turn into exhibition spaces where works of contemporary art (installations, objects, video art, paintings, sculpture) aim to create a powerful polemic between the past and the present, to form overlapping of realities of different times, reflecting on the connection of objects with the environment to which the object does not belong, to which it is transferred from another context, thus creating a different contextuality. These works seem to invade the “other” territory, disrupting its integrity, contrasting with the situation of the historical period being (re)created, changing the historical reality or its coordinates and the relationship with the present. The exhibition discusses whether it is possible to restore the former reality and what that reality is. Are they things, objects, places, or maybe just fictitious memories? Maybe we can only create reality every time we re-experience it? By actualizing the relationship between reality and its imitation in the present, the eclecticism of experiential and imag(in)ed time, the contrasting addition of the historical plane, the fading of the boundaries of reality, and the (im)possibility of (re)creation of the former reality are highlighted.

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